Thursday, March 23, 2017

Your body wants to heal. Yoga for Healing is a natural way to help that process to take place

Your Instructor, Tera Bucasas


It’s easy to find yoga, it’s not as easy to find yoga specifically for those on a healing journey. So much of the popular yoga out there emphasizes power, intensity and sculpting.
Yoga for Healing is a holistic practice that addresses the mind, body and the soul. We allow our bodies to build strength gently while working to heal our nervous system and mental space.

 [See: The Five Mental and Psychological Benefits of Yoga ]
In short...with Yoga for Healing you will: build strength, enhance joint movement, gain flexibility AND relax, modify and take things at your pace.


Hello, I’m excited you are here! I started yoga in an effort to relieve constant stress, challenge myself to be present and to confront the incessant mind chatter. (Sound familiar?)
I went through my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in power vinyasa during a period in life when I was extremely physically fit, and yoga soon became another physical challenge I was eager to take on. Handstands, advanced postures, dozens of chaturangas and Yoga Sculpt (yoga with weights).
Then things changed...The hormonal imbalances I had been trying to heal became even more heightened and my health took a sharp turn. Every day was filled with deep fatigue, debilitating depression and physical pains.

[See: How to Overcome Bad Mood with Yoga? ]

Life changed. It seemed like overnight.

Unable to do the yoga I was accustomed to, especially as an instructor, brought on feelings of shame. Then I decided to shift my focus and sought out gentle classes, but they were so hard to find! When I did find them it seemed they were all geared toward the older generation. It seemed there was yoga for older people (gentle) and yoga for young people (power)...something was missing.
I dove deep into the exploration of yoga beyond vinyasa taking classes all over the country from dozens of new teachers to create Yoga for Healing. I can’t wait to share it with you!
 [See: Yoga Seated Twist Pose  ]

I know the road to recovery can feel lonely, but you are not alone. Let’s take another step toward healing together.

7 UNIQUE VIDEOS: Each one has a different physical focus, exploration of a deeper aspect to healing and an intention setting introduction video.

A 25 PAGE WORKBOOK (in PDF format), to guide you through practice on and off the mat, that includes:


You want to explore a more gentle style of yoga
You are recovering from an illness
You would love to have a down to earth yoga instructor that 
doesn’t take herself too seriously (I can be pretty silly!)
You are ready to take this next step toward your health and happiness

[See: 1 Yoga tip for tiny belly.]

Gaiam Print Yoga Mats

How To Lose Weignt With Yoga

Yoga may not conjure up the same images of a calorie-burning, sweat-inducing workout as bootcamp workouts or cardio dance-party routines.
But don’t be fooled by yoga’s deep breathing and sometimes-slow poses: doctors and personal training experts say it can seriously trim and tone your body — and also work on your mind and spirit to help you get healthier overall.
So take in what experts say about how to do yoga for weight loss, and get ready to pare down with some downward dogs.

[See: Yoga Bridge Pose ]


Calories burned during yoga vary widely — from 180 to 360 per hour — depending on the type of yoga you practice. Fitness director Guy Caracciolo at the Dedham Health and Athletic Complex in Dedham, MA, places Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and other forms of “power yoga” at the top, along with yoga fusion workouts that accelerate calorie burning by mixing it up with dance or kickboxing.
Big Apple Power Yoga owner Nanci Muriello in New York City agrees, recommending power yoga for its weight-loss triple threat: strength, flexibility, and cardio. During a typical 90-minute session, the deep breathing techniques heat you up inside, helping to flush out toxins and water weight and boost performance of the lymphatic system and organs. “It’s a great physical workout,” Muriello says.
But as with all styles of yoga, there’s a deeper benefit: you’re tuning in to your body.
“Suddenly you actually get the signal that you are full or that a particular food doesn’t digest well, or you notice after you eat something that you feel amazing,” says Muriello.


“It’s not necessarily the hardcore class that’s going to help,” says Oakland, CA, physician Baxter Bell, M.D., who’s also a yoga instructor and medical acupuncturist.
Ironically, gentle and restorative yoga can help with weight loss, Bell says — by kicking on the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates breathing, digestion, and hormones.
As you jet through the day in fifth gear, your body is often in fight-or-flight mode, and high-octane hormones are circulating. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, you’re stepping (gently) on your internal brakes, which lets everything take a rest: hormones rebalance, injuries begin repairing, and digestion proceeds normally — all of which can aid weight loss, Bell says.
YogaTuneUp® creator Jill Miller, whose method headlines classes at Equinox Fitness Clubs, points out that yoga’s weight loss benefits are both physiological and psychological. “Practicing yoga helps to increase your sensitivity to your inner signals such as hunger and cravings,” she says. “There are physical components to both of these sensations, but true hunger to feed our body’s basic needs is a totally different experience than craving foods that do not nourish us.
“Yoga helps to slow you down mentally,” she explains, “so you can learn to distinguish between the urge to eat and the emotional impulses that sometimes drive us to eat to quell our feelings. Yoga can help us discern what we are truly hungry for, and knowing what makes us tick internally can help us lose weight by making better food choices.
Gentle yoga is also a good way to start slowly, which is crucial if you’re new to yoga to avoid injuries that could immobilize you and blow all hopes for weight loss at least for a while — and serving as enough of a buzzkill that you write off yoga altogether.


Certain poses, or asanas, are “killer apps” for weight loss, with “benefits that far exceed mere calorie-burning and muscle-strengthening,” says Nicole Persley, a teacher at Yoga and Inner Peace in Lake Worth, FL. “Yoga speeds up the metabolism by stimulating endocrine glands that regulate the metabolic rate,” she explains.
Certain poses can also help with trouble spots. Persley suggests the following:
  • Shoulder stand and fish pose: Both rouse the thyroid, helping to give your body a metabolism boost.
  • Valrasana (spinal twist), a lengthening child’s pose, and cobra pose: These twisting poses massage the abdomen, target internal organs and aid with optimal digestion.
  • The dogs: Downward-facing dog and upward-facing dog poses are particularly helpful in toning hips and thighs.

Zoe Bray-Cotton:

Zoe is the brains behind Her Yoga Secrets.  A personal trainer and certified yoga instructor, she’s dedicated to providing women like you and I with the information and programs they need to get the very best out of their yoga.  And because everything about yoga is gentle, it’s even suited to those who might be unable to partake in regular exercise due to illness or injury (but check with your doctor first, of course…).

Her Yoga Secrets is a yoga program called Yoga Burn that’s structured around 3 principle phases, each of which lasts 4 weeks. This makes for a complete 12-week program that targets strength, flexibility, weight loss, and stress management.  It’s presented in video format, and you can either download direct to your computer or mobile device, or have the physical DVD selection delivered to your door.

Ask your doctor before you begin, and then go to a class, get a yoga DVD or get other how-to on basic yoga positions. Yoga expert Jill Miller’s Yoga for Weight Loss Workout Kit is an amped-up routine designed specifically for burning more calories and fat while still getting the benefits of yoga. Miller also uses techniques like modifying standard yoga poses with special props.
But while you’re striking poses — particularly in fast-moving vinyasa or power yoga — it’s crucial that you pay attention to your body, says fitness instructor Patricia Moreno, founder of intenSati and creator of several yoga-fusion and weight loss DVDs for Gaiam.
“Good alignment is always important but when people are too focused on burning calories they sometimes compromise alignment,” says Moreno.


Think big picture — considering not only your physical body, but also your spirit. “Ask yourself, ‘Why do I want to lose weight?’” Bell suggests. Is it for self-image, a relationship, to boost energy?

 [See: Yoga for Back Pain]
Whatever it is, devise some related goal such as reaching a career milestone or being able to take the stairs or play with your kids without getting out of breath. Then notice your total successes as you move forward, Bell suggests. If, say, your goal was better health and your breathing has improved and your lower back has strengthened due to yoga — even if you haven’t yet lost much weight — give yourself some credit and keep up the good work.


Research shows that yoga can help stop middle-age spread. Overweight folks who regularly practiced yoga for 10 years between ages 45 and 55 lost five pounds on average, compared to a 14-pound gain for those who didn’t, according to a 2005 study from Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
“From my experience, it has to do with the way that yoga makes you more aware of your body,” says Alan Kristal, Ph.D., lead author of the study.
Yoga practioners also simply ate more mindfully — and had a lower body mass index – than non-practioners, explains Kristal. In other words, they notice when they’re full, and more easily avoid eating out of stress or boredom.

[See: Yoga Warrior Pose ]
“Yoga teaches awareness of the self, which is important for long-term change,” Moreno points out. “Use this higher level of awareness to help you make healthier eating choices and decrease mindless eating.”
by Lori Hall Steele
Related Post:

[See: Yoga Burn Review – Is Zoe Bray-Cotton’s Yoga Secret good?]


Yoga Mat with Carrying Strap

Yoga Burn Review – Is Zoe Bray-Cotton’s Yoga Secret good?

D’you know, one thing that – how to put it politely…? – makes us extremely upset, is the amount of scam products out there that target ladies (and men), who simply want to lose weight and look and feel better for it.  There’s no getting away from it – dropping the pounds is damn hard!  So one of our pet bugbears is products in the weight loss market that simply seem too good to be true.  Naturally, when we came across Her Yoga Secrets, this fell neatly into this category.
But never let it be said that we judge without first gaining the facts.  And to do this, there’s nothing else for it but to jump headlong into the program – and jump in we did.  Below is what we discovered…
It may well surprise you…!
What do you get for your money?
So – Her Yoga Secrets is a yoga program called Yoga Burn that’s structured around 3 principle phases, each of which lasts 4 weeks. This makes for a complete 12-week program that targets strength, flexibility, weight loss, and stress management.  It’s presented in video format, and you can either download direct to your computer or mobile device, or have the physical DVD selection delivered to your door.

 [See: Yoga Cobra Pose ]
The 3 phases of the program are as follows:
  • Phase 1: Foundation – As the name suggests, this is where you build up the strong foundations to be able to progress forward.  Here you build up your strength and flexibility, as well as boosting your metabolism through a structured program starting with very little effort – even for the most unfit person out there.  And as you move through phase 1 you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your ability to carry out various yoga poses and movements increases.
  • Phase 2:  Transitional Flow –  Here you continue to build on the muscle tone, flexibility and strength you’ve gained.  You’ll discover yoga poses unique to the Yoga Burn program.  You’ll continue to see changes in your body as your muscles tone and strengthen, and this phase also includes specific yoga sequences that lower stress levels and increase your mood.
  • Phase 3:  Mastery Flow – This is the true body transformation period.  Taking what you’ve already learned and achieved, you’ll move forward to more advances sequences and poses that can cause your body to change in a manner you probably never thought possible.

>> Click Here To Get Yoga Burn Today <<

Who is it for?
Her Yoga Secrets and the Yoga Burn program is specifically designed for women.  And women of all ages.  It doesn’t matter how young you might be (or, for that matter, how old), whether you’re underweight, the right weight or overweight, Her Yoga Secrets works for all ladies.

Who the heck is Zoe Bray-Cotton?
Zoe is the brains behind Her Yoga Secrets.  A personal trainer and certified yoga instructor, she’s dedicated to providing women like you and I with the information and programs they need to get the very best out of their yoga.  And because everything about yoga is gentle, it’s even suited to those who might be unable to partake in regular exercise due to illness or injury (but check with your doctor first, of course…).

[See: Why You Should Try Power Yoga ]

The Pros
  • Her Yoga Secrets and Yoga Burn provide you with simple to follow, step-by-step visual instructions that make following the course easy.  It also is interesting, including many moves you won’t find anywhere else, plus each and every session provides variety and interest.
  • It works for both beginners to yoga and to those who’re already more experienced and want to get enhanced results from their yoga efforts.
  • It truly is a way to drop the pounds, tone your butt and tummy, increase your metabolism, enhance your mood, and all round make for a happier, sexier, healthier you.
  • You can also download an audio version to carry around on your cell or portable device – great for traveling.

>> Click Here To Get Yoga Burn Today <<

The Cons
  • Okay – this isn’t some miracle weight loss or fitness cure.  You do need to stick to the program to see results.  But because the results really will happen, what tends to occur is that you’re so delighted with the change in your body that this gives you all the motivation you need to carry on…
The Bottom Line
D’you know…  We thought that Her Yoga Secrets and the Yoga Burn program was just going to be another ‘same old, same old’ product that’s rehashed time and time again in order to make someone a quick buck.  So we were amazed to see that this actually does have something new to offer.  Zoe’s program will surprise even those who’re already well into their yoga – thanks to some unique poses, sessions and moves that we’ve not seen anywhere else.  And if you stick to the program, you really will see your body begin to change – that’s for sure.

[See: 5 Ways Yoga Benefits Your Mental Health ]
Of course, you need to be strong and motivated – this is a 12-week program after all.  But the best thing is that Her Yoga Secrets also comes with a no questions asked, 60 day, 100% money back guarantee.  So in essence, this means you can follow it up until week 8 without rising one red cent – because if you’ve not seen any results, you simply get your money back.  But hey – if you get to week 8, you’re already in the zone to finish the program, and you’re going to already be reaping the results, so why on earth would you stop.
Ladies, if you’re looking for a true alternative to the sweaty gym and all those lithe youngsters with perfect bodies and designer lycra, then Her Yoga Secrets could well be exactly what you’re looking for.  Enjoy – and good luck…

>> Click Here To Get Yoga Burn Today <<

Yoga Mat for Pilates, Fitness & Workout 

w/ Carrying Strap


Monday, March 13, 2017

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga Pose for Beginners
Yoga for Beginners

Start a healthy new yoga habit today! From increased calm and self-esteem to pain management and greater flexibility, yoga has the power to change your life for the better. But with so many yoga offerings available these days, knowing where to begin can feel overwhelming. That’s where Yoga Journal’s two-part Yoga for Beginners online course can help. We’ve broken down this complex science and art into simple steps for getting started in a way that demystifies yoga philosophy and is both enjoyable and physically safe. You’ll learn the basics of asana, breathwork, and meditation, and have the opportunity to explore different styles of yoga. Ultimately, we’ll help you create the foundation and inspiration you need for a lasting, truly beneficial practice, as well as the courage to step into any yoga studio, class, or workshop with confidence.

Yoga Poses for Beginners


Mountain Pose

  • Stand tall with feet together, shoulders relaxed, weight evenly distributed through your soles, arms at sides.
  • Take a deep breath and raise your hands overhead, palms facing each other with arms straight. Reach up toward the sky with your fingertips.


Downward Dog

  • Start on all fours with hands directly under shoulders, knees under hips.
  • Walk hands a few inches forward and spread fingers wide, pressing palms into mat.
  • Curl toes under and slowly press hips toward ceiling, bringing your body into an inverted V, pressing shoulders away from ears. Feet should be hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • Hold for 3 full breaths.




  • Stand with legs 3 to 4 feet apart, turning right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in slightly.
  • Bring your hands to your hips and relax your shoulders, then extend arms out to the sides, palms down.
  • Bend right knee 90 degrees, keeping knee over ankle; gaze out over right hand. Stay for 1 minute.
  • Switch sides and repeat.


Tree Pose

  • Stand with arms at sides.
  • Shift weight onto left leg and place sole of right foot inside left thigh, keeping hips facing forward.
  • Once balanced, bring hands in front of you in prayer position, palms together.
  • On an inhalation, extend arms over shoulders, palms separated and facing each another. Stay for 30 seconds.
  • Lower and repeat on opposite side.
  • Make it easier: Bring your right foot to the inside of your left ankle, keeping your toes on the floor for balance. As you get stronger and develop better balance, move your foot to the inside of your left calf.



Bridge Pose

Stretches chest and thighs; extends spine
  • Lie on floor with knees bent and directly over heels.
  • Place arms at sides, palms down. Exhale, then press feet into floor as you lift hips.
  • Clasp hands under lower back and press arms down, lifting hips until thighs are parallel to floor, bringing chest toward chin. Hold for 1 minute.
  • Make it easier: Place a stack of pillows underneath your tailbone.

Triangle Pose


  • Extend arms out to sides, then bend over your right leg.
  • Stand with feet about 3 feet apart, toes on your right foot turned out to 90 degrees, left foot to 45 degrees.
  • Allow your right hand to touch the floor or rest on your right leg below or above the knee, and extend the fingertips of your left hand toward the ceiling.
  • Turn your gaze toward the ceiling, and hold for 5 breaths.
  • Stand and repeat on opposite side.

Seated Twist

Stretches shoulders, hips, and back; increases circulation; tones abdomen; strengthens obliques
  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended.
  • Cross right foot over outside of left thigh; bend left knee. Keep right knee pointed toward ceiling.
  • Place left elbow to the outside of right knee and right hand on the floor behind you.
  • Twist right as far as you can, moving from your abdomen; keep both sides of your butt on the floor. Stay for 1 minute.
  • Switch sides and repeat.
  • Make it easier: Keep bottom leg straight and place both hands on raised knee. If your lower back rounds forward, sit on a folded blanket.


  • Lie facedown on the floor with thumbs directly under shoulders, legs extended with the tops of your feet on the floor.
  • Tighten your pelvic floor, and tuck hips downward as you squeeze your glutes.
  • Press shoulders down and away from ears.
  • Push through your thumbs and index fingers as you raise your chest toward the wall in front of you.
  • Relax and repeat.

Pigeon Pose

Targets the piriformis (a deep gluteal muscle)
  • Begin in a full push-up position, palms aligned under shoulders.
  • Place left knee on the floor near shoulder with left heel by right hip.
  • Lower down to forearms and bring right leg down with the top of the foot on the floor (not shown).
  • Keep chest lifted to the wall in front of you, gazing down.
  • If you're more flexible, bring chest down to floor and extend arms in front of you.
  • Pull navel in toward spine and tighten your pelvic-floor muscles; contract right side of glutes.
  • Curl right toes under while pressing ball of foot into the floor, pushing through your heel.
  • Bend knee to floor and release; do 5 reps total, then switch sides and repeat.

Crow Pose

  • Get into downward dog position (palms pressed into mat, feet hip-width apart) and walk feet forward until knees touch your arms.
  • Bend your elbows, lift heels off floor, and rest knees against the outside of your upper arms. Keep toes on floor, abs engaged and legs pressed against arms. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Child's Pose

  • Sit up comfortably on your heels.
  • Roll your torso forward, bringing your forehead to rest on the bed in front of you.
  • Lower your chest as close to your knees as you comfortably can, extending your arms in front of you.
  • Hold the pose and breathe.

Your Beginner Yoga Flow

Combine these moves for the perfect beginner's flow.


Yoga For Beginners